Birch and Ring Central for 2014

As we bring on more agents, the questions is how do we show them quick success… put money in their pockets right away? Yep pretty much. Our lead generation system has got to show our referral partners that we’re gonna help you make money as much as possible and make this process of ramping as simple and less painful as possible.

Of course, our vendors who pay upfront commissions helps us in the process. Enter Birch Communications and Ring Central (VOIP). These will be 2 of the newbies in 2014, especially with Birch upgrading coax internet speeds to 45meg and Ring Central being the largest VOIP company in the nation by far.



It’s Christmas Eve and I’m headed to Memphis later today to celebrate the Holidays with Kim Tennial. Should be an adventurous one. Of course running through my mind is the layout for 2014 with Mitech. Should be an adventurous one as well. 8 to faint baby… and headed to 1 million.

20k per month

Very close to moving the needle beyond 20k per month as we approach the end of the year. Of course the initial goal is 83k per month by September 1st so that our annual numbers are 1 million plus but this is a great accomplishment and a wink in the right director. For sure.

Thought we would close a 6k (72k annual) deal last week. I’d like to say we got close but in reality found out we were being shopped. Still have a chance but now that I have more clarity in the situation, looks more bleak son!

The roller coaster will kill you if you let it. I should know better than to get hype about a potential large deal then see it fade away. Keep an even keel right? Never get too high or too low. Keep cool bruh!

My personal production (calls) has to increase. Look in the mirror and maintain all out massive action.

Don’t sleep.

new rep 25 calls: 10 opps – his first blitz

Had a new guy step up today  with a call blitz and make some calls for about 3 hours today…

He found 10 opps out of about 25 calls… not bad.

As the agency grows, we’ll need to have a more cohesive format for ramping up new agents. The sooner they see money the more excited they will be about this opportunity.


You can’t get success on a credit card or half-off. The price for success must be paid up front and in full. Go!


LOR: Large Opportunity, Right?

Currently working on an 8 location deal that could potentially worth 20k… of course this is causing me to stretch and focus like crazy because our average deals right now are 216 per. 20k is a nice jump but let’s get this one done and work on finding more opportunities like this one.

This opp involves fiber circuits, disaster recovery potential, voip and more…. it’s just been 3 months but we’re getting our wings nonetheless. Also approaching 20k monthly in revenue already, well more like 15k after some duds. But the focus is >> 83,333 per month by September 1, terse<del>2014.

Stay focused!

Brought on 3 new guys recently and working to get them ramped up right away. What an interesting experiment… CL ad, no base, commission only, cold calling, great potential though. We’ll see who sticks.
