Director of Sales, Bill McCleskey on Houston Radio

Director of Sales, Bill McCleskey, was interviewed on Houston’s Radio station MJWJ last Friday by the infamous Wash Allen. 

MJWJ Houston Radio Pic

Bill was asked to explain the Mitech Partners’ business opportunity and how he saw things changing in the industry of telecommunications worldwide.

Over 2.3 million were tuned in during the show! We look forward to continuing to work with MJWJ as a referral partner for Mitech Partners and expanding the Mitech customer base and agent program in the Houston.

#startup 43-47… Foundations of an entrepreneur

43. Learn how to create something from nothing. Create money out of thin air. It doesn’t take money to make money.

44. Before you’re great you’re good. Before you’re good you’re bad and before you’re bad you have to do something.

45. Success formula: small steps in the right direction every day. That’s all

46. Instead of trying avoid disappointment, prepare for it. Control your emotions and your certainly control you life. Don’t control your emotions and you’re a joke.

47. Your 2 most tiring days of the week are yesterday and tomorrow. Focus on today and you’ll get more accomplished.

Why you shouldn’t go direct with Comcast… or any other provider

Here’s why you shouldn’t go direct with Comcast or any other Telecom company. Let Mitech Partners, LLC handle your issues >>

On a daily basis, we help our customers cancel service, upgrade, make changes and activate new service. Avoid waiting on hold forever and dealing with not so cool customer service guys.

We got you! | 877-780-1120

You are CEO no matter what…

Had a conversation the other with a friend who told me he wasn’t a business owner yet… But when he became one, he’d start acting like CEOs should, implying his current CEO wasn’t up to par. I told him he got it wrong. ‘Start acting like the CEO now and you’ll become one,’ I told him.

In fact, you are the CEO of your life. The job you have now is your contracted employer. You have contracted them to pay you for the services you provide. As the CEO you decide how hard you will work, at what capacity, how to budget your funds, forecast sales and where the company (YOU Inc.) is headed.

Do you take your life seriously? If so then CEO, see yourself as you are and make moves with the proper mindset!